Clockwork Prince is the sequel to the #1 New York Times bestseller Clockwork Angel. Clockwork Prince started when we left off in Clockwork Angel and, boy, was this book amazing. I'm not going to talk about the plot here because to do so i must spoil the first book.
My overall thoughts on the book was just amazing. Definitely five out of five. In a percentage rating, i rated it maybe 98% Why? Because no book can ever got 100%. Clockwork Prince was so good and you should read it.
There's a love triangle in this series and don't be fooled. Some of you will never read a book if it has a love triangle in the book but shut up. I don't know where my side is because i kept changing sides. I was so confused, but it's in a good way!
The plot twist here are amazing, Cassandra Clare did an amazing job at making secrets and stuff. She also good at making charters development and the ending was just- ugh, so good.
The world building was so good. It's so good being at the shadow hunter world again. It's one of the best world i have ever read and it's in the victorian era and it was interesting.
The ending was SOOO good. And just made me left there staring like an idiot and just- ugh. Oh god, so amazing. I can't wait about starting Clockwork Princess! I buy it along with Clockwork Prince so i can start it today! Woo-hoo! I know Clockwork Prince will be more amazing so i just "Ok, screw everything, i'm buying Clockwork Princess even though my money will be gone."
As i was saying, the secrets was so good at this book. I don't who will betray them and who have secrets and i was just like "WHAT IF?" and if a book does that to you, you know it's so amazing. And there are these moment when i can't believe was happening either good or bad.
Am i gushing too hard?
I didn't actually shed a tear but i was like "Crying on the inside". If Clockwork Prince made me almost cry then Clockwork Princess will be so great! I have heard that almost everyone cry in the conclusion to the series because- i don't know for sure. I have been spoiled after using theories of my own i started to be confused.
I love all of the characters here (Actually, not love love but more into the- i just can't explain it.) they are just so amazing! And there's some improvement from the first book.
Now i'm going to head to the SPOILER SECTION. IF you have not read Clockwork Prince nor Clockwork Angel, then i suggest you leave right now. Trust me, you don't want to be spoiled because this book- like i was saying for the hundredth time- was just so amazing.
Bye, people who haven't read Clockwork Angel and Clockwork Prince!
So Jem proposed to Tessa...
I don't know how to feel about this because i was on team Jem but then i was, i'm happy for Jem but what about Will? And then i got this mixed up feelings and then i don't what sides are on. I just wish that Tessa would called off the marriage and just say to Jem that she wants to think about it more.
Girl, Tessa, i'm rooting on you but you should say the answer in the third book. I have been spoiled that Jem proposed to Tessa but i did not seed it coming in the second book. What would happen if she says no or i'll think about it?
I was hoping that Will would propose to her in the drawing room but sadly, no. And to see the reaction on Will's face was just horrible. I didn't like Will too much at the first book but now it has grown like a beautiful blue flower.
Why Tessa? WHY? The best case scenario is that Will proposed to Tessa in the drawing room and she said yes and Jem and Tessa announced their marriage and Will was like WTF and fight Jem or something? I was half-hoping that he and Jem would fight or something but of course they are parabatai with each other so they can't do that.
Will should have told the truth to Jem! "Jem, baby, i know you love her but any idiot i love her too!" That would be epic. I HOPE THAT HAPPENS IN CLOCKWORK PRINCESS! And and i was so frustrated with Will because he doesn't want to say the truth. I know he is his parabatai and stuff but why Will why?
I was also a bit mad to Jem because Will is his parabatai but he didn't know that he loves her too? He didn't know he save her from the clockwork monster when they're visiting Nate because he love her? He doesn't see the way he looks at Tessa?
As i was saying before, the secrets in this book are so big and many. And i know everything will come in place in Clockwork Princess because guys, it's the conclusion. As i said before, i have been spoiled and i'm still praying that it will not happen! Or else what will happen to the...? and the...? Do you know what spoiler i'm talking about?
I was theorising and it just made me confuse but that happen and i have to re-theorise. But Cassandra Clare said that so i think it will not happen and i have to start Clockwork Princess soon! After i finished it, i will eat and do some stuffs and then get back to reading. But now, i'm reading Clockwork Princess!
Let's talk about Charlotte and Henry for a bit. When they think they don't love each other and i was just like come onnnnn. We readers know that they are truly in love with each other. And when the scene when they confessed to each other about what they thought and to know that they love each other. My heart was beating fast because i thought that they would divorce or something because Henry started to shout at her and she shout at him too. But they are in love and it's them against the world!
Thank god Charlotte will still run the institute. i half-expected it because what on earth will they be living because there's still Clockwork Princess. When they whisper to the vial when they will vote who to run the London Institute was very, very interesting. Because when it's over there would a mist or something? and spell the name of the winner!
Because who else will carry the fairchild family line? I was like, thought, Charlotte was disappointed when Jem and Tessa announced their marriage but she had a baby! Of course if Charlotte is mad at Jem and Tessa it would be more epic to the ending. What do you think she will name her baby boy? I know that Cassandra Clare is planning a new trilogy called The Last Hours that will continue the characters journey and i see the main character who will represent in the book but it just their names, not their family names so i don't know it yet.
Let's talk about Miss Jessamine Lovelace? I know she will betray them or something because she sneaks out of the house using men's clothes. What the heck, Jessie? And i know, she still has feelings for Nate. What i don't expect is that Nate would die. He is the co-anatagonist here and he is killed in the second book?
Poor Jessamine, she is being caged at the Silent City aka City Of Bones. And the fake diamond ring i was like "Whoa take that, Jessamine! Not believing Tessa and the gang that Nate actually did not truly love him." and what will happen to Jessamine? I hope she will not die, but i don't recall Lovelace family line in The Mortal Instruments.
Cyril and what's her name? Bridget? I don't have much feelings for Agatha, so i don't mind that she is replaced by this foul singer from irish. But Thomas on the other hand, if you read my Clockwork Angel book review, you'll know that i ship Thomas and Sophie very much. But Cyril will do, he is Thomas's brother.
When Gabriel and Gideon trains them i do not expect Sophie will make out or do stuff like that in the end with Gideon. I thought because Gideon is Gabriel's big brother, he will be hard on Sophie and she will hate him and stuff like that but noooo, he loves him instead.
Love is weird because it can damaged you or define you. Gideon betray his own family, his own blood for Sophie. And i'm thinking Lightwoods family line will continue after this. Hopefully Sophie will became a shadow hunter, somehow. Or she use the cup? I never seen the mortal instruments in the series yet but if maybe it will have a cameo?
I didn't like when they visit starkweather, he seems kinda mean. Probably the least favourite scene in the book. And not to mention Will's family is there. Don't get me wrong, i don't want Will's family business in the story because i only want to know London Institute family. Lol i sound so evil. And when Cecily is there to become a shadow hunter? ugh.
I like Camille's return. What do you think will happen with Camille and Magnus. She returns late in The Mortal Instruments so i don't know. I thought she will go into hiding and meet with Magnus again in the Mortal Instruments. But looks like i'm wrong.
Will's curse was a bit confusing for me. I know Charlotte and Henry loves him so why doesn't they die? But Ella died because that's it soooo? But it was just a lie. Will's a bit gullible when he was twelve years old. But because of that curse, he meets him parabatai and his real family. So, thank you, blue demon?
Who knew Demon Pox was real? It sounds so silly and i don't think that Benedict Lightwood will have it. And the back story between his wife and- i hate him. And i very much enjoy his song of the demon pox, that was awesome.
Maybe that's all for today. I can't wait for starting Clockwork Princess so maybe i will cut this here. If i left off something very important, let me know in the comments and i will add it to my post.
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