The TMI Tag really get me into the mood for some questions. So i was like "What the heck, let's get on with it." and i surf through the internet to find questions tag like that one but the problem is lost all of the tags are beauty tags.
I don't do beauty in this blog if you are wondering because : A) I'm a boy. B) Point A. C) Point B. A boy don't use make-up, mascaras, lip gloss, lip sticks, and all of that beauty stuff. And i pick my shampoo and soap because it says shampoo and soap.
Ok, get back to the point. When i searched for the tag that would perfectly fits my blog, i found this or that beauty tag. The title was very, very interesting and then i search for This or That tag for a neutral type (Not beauty, sports, et cetera, et cetera.)
But i don't found it in the internet. So if you found the neutral type of this tag, let me know on the comments below.
When i didn't find it, i suggest to give up because, hey, i already post 3 post in a week, right? So i put down my laptop for a couple of minutes. Then, i want to look at the overview of my channel, i don't know why, maybe to see how much views i get today. I don't remember how many views i get, maybe around 14.
For your information, If we authors ourselves check out or blog, it will still counts as one page-view so i was like "K, i open my blog about 14 times."
But what really got me is the audience. And i was very, very, very surprised to see someone is reading my post from AMERICA! AND GERMANY! I was so ecstatic at that point that i literally open my mouth and wow.
To know that i have viewers on another, far away country really makes me feel like wow. So i was like "I have to post another post (Yo dawg?) because to celebrate it!" and then i continue the search for the This Or That tag. I found the book edition for this and i first don't know what to do.
Does my readers really like books? Or like life or something? But i chose the book edition because almost all of my post are about books so maybe they know i will post some bookish something. And then i read the questions and it seems fun and okay.
So let's get started!
1. Physical books or E-books?
I, personally, am more comfortable reading in a physical books. I don't like reading in a bright screen i don't know why. I can read it a screen but i can't take that very long, i would put it down and then reading slump. But the good thing is some of the books aren't sold in my country so i can get all the books i want and fast in the E-book. But i still chose Physical books.
2. Audio or Book in hand?
Definitely a book in hand. I don't like E-books but i hate audio books. Because i've got this voice in my mind and listening to an audio really messes that up. And when there's a voice, there's a face. I want to imagine them myself. If i heard a voice, i immediately just- boom the picture. I can't stand that. And sometimes i have to re-read something and ugh Book in hand, please!
3. Paperback or Hardcover?
This is a very hard question. I like both. But i'm a very cheapy person and i'm not old enough to get job. I don't consider taking part-time jobs either because i'm lazy and i've got so much things to do after school. So Paperbacks are good for money. But a Hardcover is beautiful, let's be honest, a hardcover is very beautiful. But in my country, they mostly sell paperbacks, so there's rarely a hardcover, but i seen a few. So maybe Paperbacks.
4. Young Adult or Adult?
Young Adult. I never read an adult book before. And the most favourite genre in the whole world is Young Adult. I only read mainstream books because i started collecting books in august 2013? (I started reading in early 2013 but i start collecting in August.) And the most popular is Young Adult so that explains it. And isn't teenage life fun?
5. Series or Stand-alone?
Series. I don't get why people hates series, if you hate series let me know on the comments below and why. I know there's some series that drags on and on but we can digest the story more. There's a stand-alone that i like but didn't love (aka Panic by Lauren Oliver) i don't really have feelings for the characters and the world didn't amazes me. And if i love a stand-alone i want to see it becomes a series, yes, i'm talking to you John Green. That feeling when you closes a book and then we can never continue their journey is awful.
6. Dog ears or Bookmarks?
What's a dog ears? Is it a dog's ear that has been cut and we use it or something? Bookmarks, please! I have my own bookmark that is very old, when i read i use that bookmark except that i lost it a bunch of time and have to make it again. Yes, i make it myself. And it's thin and very practical so that one.
7. Breaking The Spine or Barely Opening A Book?
HHMMMM... I don't like breaking the spines of a book, it will get all crumply and i just don't like it. But barely opening a book? umm... Maybe i will choose Barely Opening a book Breaking the spine. JUDGE ME. It's because i don't like barely opening a book. we read book for the story, not for the spine. If you don't like breaking the spine then E-books and Audiobooks is for you?
8. Borrow or Buy?
All of my books are i buy myself. Except if borrowing money counts? I don't like if i love a book and i have to hand it back to my friend again or the library. Actually, there's no library in my country that i know of so let's cross that out. And i can re-read it anytime i want so yeah. And i read mainstream books so i love all of it. Not al' of my friend reads a book so if i like that book maybe they don't have it. One time, i borrow a book and one week later i buy it.
9. Bookstore or Online?
I like both. But i'm leaning more towards bookstores. It's a more epic, you know, to find the book yourself in the bookstore. Hold it and feel it and read it when you get home. But as i say before, not all books are sold in my country so a few good books- i have to buy it online. Don't get me wrong, i'm comfortable buying online, the prices are more cheaper, but i don't get much permission of using my mother credit card. And shipping is the problem.
10. Fiction or Non-fiction?
Fiction, of course. I don't hate non-fiction because i can pretend that it's fiction and usually it have good meanings and when i finish a book i was "Whoa. That happens to someone in real life." But i like fiction better. Like walking down the road or walking down the yellow brick road? Fighting a Fly or fighting a dragon? It's like I'm in that world when i read and doing something that's not in the world is some experience. I prefer fiction than non-fiction.
11. Fantasy World or Real-life issues?
It depends on how i'm feeling. I like them both equally but i mostly read fantasy world. I don't know, this questions is hard. If i read real-life issues then i can relate to that somehow and maybe if i have that problem i would know what to do. But fantasy world is more amazing. Anything can happen you know, first you are walking then butterflies made of lava is flying. But in fantasy world, there can be a little real-life issues so maybe fantasy.
12. Kindle, Ipad, or other?
Is this question is about E-reading? Because i don't read E-books. But if i have to choose maybe i would choose kindle. I don't have a kindle but i have an iPad and it's not comfortable reading through it. But it maybe because i don't like E-books? But kindle is specialise for reading right? But i don't know, We can play after we read and for kindle we have to turn it off and turn on the iPad. Maybe kindle.
13. Monster Read or Short and Sweet?
Depends on what the mood. If there's a series that i love, i want it to be a monster read. Or if there's a good stand-alone and i like it i maybe choose monster read. Short and sweet, i don't like if it's sweet but only short. I want that sweet to be big. But if its a bad book i don't want it to be big. But something bad is not sweet, too. But sometimes a bad book just like so big and i don't like it. But it's a story about aliens so it's not sweet. Umm.. Maybe monster read.
14. Starry-eyed romance or Full of action?
This is a tough one. If a book is full of action, i mean it's okay but it have to be romance. But if they only look at each other and love love love is a but boring. This is so hard. But if full of action there can be hints of romance, but not starry-eyed like that. In a start-eyed, there has to be some action. Wait, sometimes they don't have any action at all but it's still good. But full of action is. Hmm.. maybe full of action. If there's full, then i'm on my seat and i won't stop so that's good.
15. Curl up in the house or Bathe in the sun?
Curl up! I don't like when i'm reading and the sun's too bright or suddenly it's too hot. Nope. If i'm in my house i could always use a fan if i got hot or something. Or cuddle up with blankets in a cold room? Yes, that would be perfect. I try to read once in the outside world but it just didn't work out. I was reading but something urge me to not reading. And if the house is too dark there are always lights. Lights in a house is not as bright as the sun so curl up the house.
16. Read the review or Decide for yourself?
Read the review, of course. The last time i decide for myself it goes waaaayy wrong. I didn't even read it and now it' so dusty and i don't know of i will read it or not. Because of that, now i look at YouTube or at Goodreads. The one that i decide for myself is maybe the time. Do i read this first or that first? Because sometimes if i ask someone, i just want to go to my own instinct.
And there it is! The fun This or That tag!
I hope you enjoy this post and please tell me what kind of tags should i do more? And thanks again for those of you who have checked out my blog, it means sooooo much for me. Because of you, my passion for blogging is igniting. Tell your friends and your family and i will be so happy. Or say something in the comments because i want to hear your voice what do you thought of me.
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