Quote of the day : "When you feel sad and alone, always remember your calculator is something you can count on!" - Owl City.
I literally laugh out loud when i read this sentence.
Honestly, i didn't even know that Owl City tweets funny stuff. If you haven't know- but probably you already have- Owl City's twitter account is @OwlCity (You don't say?) Let's talk about twitter names for a bit. I love it if Celebrity's twitter name is like their own name. I'm not comfortable if they use something other than their real names. Hello? People can steal it?
Let's get back to the Owl City talk. I didn't "know" Owl City. It means that i'm just like yeah, i know them but i don't really care. It's like my friend's cousin's cousin's cousin's father's grandmother's cousin's friend. Yes, like that. Literally. I'm just messing with you. But really, i don't know much about them.
My sister is used to be such a big fan of Owl City. Because of her friend. Their music style is so unique and my favourite song from them is gotta be Fireflies. Or is it Firefly? Or is it Flying Fire? I'm pretty sure it's Fireflies.
I just remember that i have said something rude about Owl City. It somehow goes like this : "The music is just nonsense and the lyrics is just ugh." I said with a british voice while fluttering my eyelashes.
But i was wrong to say that. Although i haven't heard my since my sister's favourite singer is not them anymore. But my friend on the other still adore them. Like i was making a story where he was wearing a shirt with 'Big Time Rush' printed on the front. And he was like That's so embarrassing and i like Owl City way bettah.
But his phone's skin is Big Time Rush so i just don't know. And he used to like them so, so much and 80% of his songs are Big Time Rush's. But that's two years ago so it have changed and we are a long distance friends and i sometimes text him but not that much.
Anyway, let's get what we are all have been waiting for. I present to you THE WOULD YOU RATHER!
Sorry, i just remember something. I got this Would You Rather questions from buzzfeed where you can open the link right here. Remember that i didn't put the word 'tag' in it, so i don't clearly know if this is what people have been doing. If i don't use the word 'tag' it means that i just found the questions in a random link so that's that.
It's actually titled THE 15 MOST DIFFICULT "WOULD YOU RATHER" QUESTIONS OF ALL TIME. But Would You Rather is way more interesting, i think.
1. Would you rather : Live one 1,000-year life or Live ten 100-year lives?
That's when the difficult came in. I literally just sit here for like 5 minutes trying to decide what should i do. If the 1,000-year life it would be awesome. Live one century and see how it all go. And be wise, right? Someone who has lived the longer is the wisest, they say. But actually the most damaged is the wisest. But losing thousands of loved ones are damaged. But if we live ten lives then it would be more? But i can change a new life. Try 10 chances. And i don't like leaving alone. And because i'm smart (Because i have lived a life.), i can be more good at tests! Ten 100-year lives please!
2. Would you rather : Have hiccups for the rest of your life or Feel like you need to sneeze and not be able to for the rest of your life?
THIS IS SO HARD. I HATE BOTH OF THEM. Hiccups are just freaking annoying but sneeze-but-can-not-sneeze is very annoying too! But i think i have to go with hiccups for the rest of your life? Why? Because i could get used to it, you know. But i would not get used to sneeze-but-can-not-sneeze! It's just so hard and i feel like i want to pull my hair out. And i've heard that there's some girl that for a long time has been hiccuping and she seems okay.
3. Would you rather : Have the ability to read minds (You will be illiterate) or have just the ability to read?
I was going to answer have the ability to read minds but i just remembered that i will be illiterate too. And i don't want that, of course. I want to read novels and we can;t just actually read novels if we can't read. I love reading and i don' want to lose that ability. And if we are "illiterate" we can't make blogs too. But reading minds would be awesome. And someone can read it to us? But it will be complicated so i will choose have just the ability to read.
5. Would you rather : Eat chocolate-flavored poop or Eat poop-flavored chocolate?
This is super yucky and i was going to skip the question like the fourth questions up there. You can see it, right? It's in the top. But, what the heck, it's supposed to be funny and it is difficult so i was going to answer it. What would you pick? chocolate-flavored poop is just yucky but we can at it. But poop-flavored chocolate is like ew except if the poop is yummy. But poop can't be delicious, right? So i'm going to eat chocolate-flavored food, hey at least it yummy. I could close my eyes.
6. You're on a desert island with a beautiful woman or man. Would you rather : They are top-half fish or They are bottom-half fish?
This is a definitely an easy one. Bottom-half fish. Why? Because top-half fish is just very scary and i hate fish's head. And bottom-half fish, we can get out of that island because they can be a mermaid. And hey you are a mermaid so let's get out of here with your tail. You may comment "But it's on a desert!" But i'm in a desert island! Islands are surrounded by water right? And if i choose top-half fish, well they can survive underwater, but not me!
7. Would you rather : Fart popcorn or Your past and future web browsing history available to everyone?
I would pick Your past and future web browsing history available to everyone. It's because that i don't open that kind of stuff. I have secrets, but not that kind of secrets. But if the web is available to anyone... I just realised that not only my family (Which i am comfortable with.) but my friends and long-friends and rival and strangers, too! I am not comfortable with that. And i do stalk someone, but it's on Twitter! Not in the web? But to fart popcorn... but we can have free popcorn and have free foods? But i think i'm going with available web history?
8. Would you rather : Go to Hogwarts and still be a muggle or Live in the world of pokemon, but only be able to catch Magikarps?
I DON'T CARE IF I'M STILL A MUGGLE, I'M GONNA GO TO HOGWARTS!! Btw, what's a muggle? Yes, if you have been in this channel, you know that i still haven't read Harry Potter series. I think it's in my Book Spoiler post? Which you can find out here. Back to the discussion, i haven't read Harry Potter or watch the movies in a proper way but i know that living and/or learning in Hogwarts is amazing and everybody can't denied that. And to catch Magikarps? NOPE. But it can evolve but still nope.
10. Would you rather : Have a bell go off every single time you get aroused or Feel a sharp pain every single time someone says your name?
I think have a bell go off. Because, as i said before, i can get used to that. I can adjust to the situation and sit comfortably in that world. We can get used to feel pain but it's still pain. It's still hurt and i honestly do not want that. I mean, surprised or pain and surprised? Duh, surprised. Just think if over 1000 said your name. Dead. Someone says your name from another country because you are famous, dead.
11. Would you rather : Have accordions as legs or Have a huge belly button 10 inches long that swayed to the beat of popular music?
Ok, now the questions starts getting weirder and weirder by the minute. I think i started to second-guess the decision. But i already type so, so many words so i'm not... hopefully. This is so weird, but i think i would rather have accordions as legs. Belly buttons 10 inches long is just too weird, yes we can hide it but it will sway. I could use a wheelchair and hid it somehow with pants stuffed with cottons.
13. Would you rather : Live in a world where huge, friendly gummy bears walk around or Live in a world where hover boards exist?
I don't know why people would answer huge, friendly gummy bears. If you choose that, let me know in the comments below and why did you choose it. Hoverboards are so amazing. We can fly and we a can go fast and we don't have to use cars and motorcycles. Is it eco-friendly? Maybe, but i think not because more modern and techno more bad for the environments. But still. "Hey you, let's go to my house. Is your hover boards ready and fuelled?"
14. Would you rather : Live the rest of your life with cheeto dusts on your fingers or Have taste buds in your hands?
I kind of change the last pick because- ugh, i'm not going to explain. One way or another i would still choose the cheeto dust. Because it's yummy? Wait, it's yummy, right? In my country it's a food cheetos. But what about in America? Or at another country? Anyway, again, i could get used to the cheeto dust and i could always use gloves. And then, there! Problem solved.
15. Would you rather : Have a side soup or Have a side salad?
This is very tricky but i guess my hateness for salad make me pick side soup. I hate side soup- actually, i don't hate it, i just don't like it. But i hate salad or side sales. Except if we don't have to eat it or there's something like a friend chicken or what to accompany it.
And there you go! The Would You Rather questions! I'm sorry if i skipped too much questions. The questions that i skipped made me uncomfortable and i just don't want to answer it. It could have been more, i could skip 5 questions but nope. I should have read all the questions first before i started it. That's a big lesson from me today. I just wanted to, like, have that shockness after you read it and then quickly type it. Because if i read it first, i would think of the answer and all that stuff and i would forget and like that.
And i already finished Clockwork Princess, guys. I'm still making the draft. It's half-way though. I would explain all of it on the book review why it took so long to make it and that stuff. But i promise that hopefully it will be out this week. Either saturday or sunday. But i think, saturday's my best shot. Because i have a test on monday and i have to study.
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