Friday, June 27, 2014

Lauren Oliver (Author Interview)

Today, i have a very special guest. She is LAUREN OLIVER the author of the Delirium series, Panic, Liesl and Po, Before I Fall, The Spindlers, and- the upcoming adult novel- Rooms! I wanted to say thank you to Lauren Oliver, being the first author that i interviewed. She's here answering some questions that i've got on my mind. Oh, a short upate, i now have a Bloglovin account! Follow my blog with Bloglovin!

Author : Lauren Oliver 
Series : Delirium #1
Pub Date : February 7th 2012
Publishers : HarperCollins
Genre : Dystopian, Romance
Pages : 441

Ninety-five days, and then i'll be safe. I wonder whether the procedure will hurt. I want to get it over with. It's hard to be patient. It's hard not to be afraid while i'm still uncured, though so far the deliria hasn't touched me yet. Still, i worry. They say that in the old days, love drove people to madness. The deadliest of all things : It kills you both when you have it and don't.
The Interview
1. All of we readers are loving your new book, Panic. But, alas, it's a stand-alone, it doesn't have a sequel. We would like to know if you are working on a new project or not? If so and if you don't mind, please tell us a little information about it!
I'm always working on new projects! Seriously, every day! My first adult novel, Rooms, comes out in the fall. It's about a family visiting their own home, and the ghosts that live in the walls. I also have a new standalone YA novel coming out in 2015!

2. Being a writer is surely hard. All that time looking on empty blank pages. When you're young, do you always wanted to be a writer or do you have other dreams as well?
I wanted to be a Ballerina! I always knew I wanted to do something creative, but writing has always been a way that I expressed myself. 

3. Looking at all your book's cover, all of them are very beautiful! But what cover do you like the most? What cover have a special place in your heart?
I really love my Middle Grade covers. I think the illustrations for Liesl & Po and The Spindlers are so beautiful. I also really love the cover for Rooms! 

4. With a lot of books in your hand, you probably have many inspirations from great authors, also a lot of favourites books, i believe! But if you have to pick one book that you can keep for the rest of your life, what would it be?
No way. That is a totally impossible choice! 

5. Inspirations comes from many place and sometimes it came from our old roots. What i'm talking about it, fairytales. What's your favourite fairytales and have you considered making a fairytale retelling?
I'm obsessed with fairytales! I've never done a literal re-telling, but Panic was actually inspired by a Grimms tale called The Boy Who Went Forth to Find the Shivers! 

6. There must be a favourite character, am i correct? Specifically, on the delirium series, who would you take to a coffee shop and just, you know, chit-chat and gossip and maybe get a relaxing message to end the night?
Hmm... I really loved the more ancillary characters in Delirium, like Grace or Raven. I don't think Grace would be very good for chit-chat though, so I'll say that I would love to hang out with Raven for a day.
7. With a book published, there's fan. And when there's fan, there's hate. How do you deal with critism and hate?
One of the most important things to learn as a writer is how to separate helpful critiques from criticism that's just mean and unwarranted. It's really just a skill that you learn as you go. 

8. On the behalf of the asians, i wanted to ask you badly : Do you have any plans to go touring around the big world and go to asian countries?
I was actually just in Malaysia! I hope to travel to as many places as I can!

9. I know this is probably the hardest question ever, but i'm going to ask it anyway. Out of all the books you have published, which one is your favourite? The book you enjoy most writing it, with giggling and maybe a little tears?
No way! Another impossible choice. Every book has it's own joys, just like they all have their own challenges. 

10. And last but not least, the question that really has bugging my mind off lately. What do you think of the Delirium pilot? Is there any request about future episodes? Because we really want to know!
I really don't know what future plans are for the title! Right now I'm just enjoying watching it along with everyone else. :)

Again, thank you to Lauren Oliver for being here on my blog, answering some questions. If you haven't picked up one of her books yet (Which i'm surprised if you haven't), be sure to check them out because it's so good.

Her Books

About the Author

Lauren Oliver comes from a family of writers and so has always (mistakenly) believed that spending hours in front of the computer everyday, mulling over the difference between "Chortling" and "Chuckling," is normal. She has always been an avid reader.
She attended at University if Chicago, where she continued to be as impractical as possible by majoring in philosophy and literature. After college, she attended MFA program at NYU and worked briefly as the world's worst editorial assistant, and inly marginally better assistant editor, at a major publishing house in New York. Her major career contributions during this time were flouting the corporate dress code at every possible turn and repeatedly breaking the printer. Before I Fall is her first published novel.
She is deeply grateful for the chance to continue writing, as she has never been particularly good at anything else.

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