Saturday, May 17, 2014

The One by Kiera Cass (Book Review)

The One is the third and final book in The Selection trilogy. The first book is The Selection (which you can see my review right here.) and the second book is The Elite (Which you can see my review right here.) 

This book is just ugh. I literally can't even. I can't even, i am unable to even. I have lost my ability to even, i am so unable to even. I CAN'T EVEN. 

This book is probably the best book i have ever read.

I suddenly regret that i didn't buy the signed copy edition. There is a signed copy edition in barnes and noble which also includes poster and bonus scene but WHY DIDN'T I BUY IT WHYYY. I should've buy that now i regret everything. It could've been more beautiful. 

If you are familiar with me, you'll know that in my country, it mostly sells paperback. So i should've preordered it because it is hardcover and the hardcover would've been good. And when i want to purchase it bam it's gone. But hardcover or paperback i still love this book.

I mean, seriously, i can't translate how much i love this book into words. It's amazing and so good and if you haven't picked up the series then go get it. I'm ordering you right now, pretend i'm the king here, i order you to read the amazing The Selection series!

I think this book is the best of the trilogy (Lol why did i say that, i already said it's the best book i've ever read so it's gotta be the best in the trilogy. You don't say.) The story goes better after book after book.

People said that The Selection is more "Good" than The Elite but, ahem, i disagree. Kiera Cass did an amazing job at making sequels. Drama starts to cause, feelings started to rush and before you know it you are gushing and screaming like you never gush and scream before. This book also makes me open my mouth and makes me sad. This book is so emotional.

Go ahead and look at my Top 5 Favourite and you'll see that The Selection used to be at number four but now, it's number one. It's like this book made the jump and just came crashing down the others. It's like a bomb and just explode, this book is on fayaaaaaahhhhh.

I'm totally speechless right now, i don't know what more to say about the book.

Kiera Cass did a very, very, very  good job at making this series. It's the best one! I don't understand why some people just don't like the book. I mean, are you sick or something? Because something's wrong with you man. 

The characters was so good. You can feel your heart being glued to them, you will care for them (except some of them.) and your place doesn't just stand still. Like, some novels is the good guy, the main character or just other characters was like still. I love them and i hate them, just that. Okay, maybe there'll be plot twist so you can change sides but in this book, you will be tired from changing.

It doesn't mean it's bad, i mean it's the opposite things of bad. Kiera Cass suddenly become a psychic and move our hearts. It's a good thing! And that what makes it special. I think the character's development is the most important in here because you can see clearly the past and the future. 

I think America Singer, the main character from the series, is the most frustrating character of all time. If there's an award or grammy fro book characters, certainly America Singer would be in it. Because she just make me grit my teeth, you know? But i lover her all the same too.

The world building is so good, it's splattered all over the story so bits after bits we get a glimpse of the world. But i would like to know more of the past, though. I don't really understand that part. And why The Selection is made. It wasn't like it just pop to an idea. Wait, is it?

I can guarantee you will not see what's coming in this book. So before you think "Ah, this is going to happen blablablablabla.." juts shut up for a minute and actually read. 

If you notice it, I FINISHED THIS BOOK IN ONE DAY! Just One Day..! I flew through it like the wind. It's the first time i read a book this fast which means this book is beyond amazing. I remember when i made The Elite book review and it feels like yesterday! 

Wait, it is yesterday.

I kept thinking to myself like "No, you can't read the book, you have to slow it down, i don't want the series to end yet. Don't read don't read don't read don't read... oh god, i'm reading and i can't look away." IT'S SO SAD THE SERIES HAS FINALLY COME TO AN END. I'm praying that Kiera Cass is making a sequel, i want to know what happens, i need more time, Kiera Cass!

Dang, i love Kiera Cass so much, thank you for making this series! I'm so grateful for you. This book has changed me. It changed me the way i look at things. Changed me the way i view people and differences in other and it changed me my view of bravery, courage, and of course love. It also changed me the way i look at hate too. And it teaches me that there's clearly a love-hate relationship.

I was looking through the book and i saw this. "For Callaway, the boy who climbed into the tree house in my heart and let me be the crown on his." It's so sweet for her to do that. She'll definitely be a good Queen, wife, and mother. Go follow her Twitter account @Kieracass

Let's talk about the cover because god the cover i think is the most beautiful cover. Can't you see that?? It white and all the sparkly and the model is so pretty. Good job, publishers, you have done a great job. Like not only the books are good but the cover is too! Even though i'm a boy, i just like pose sometimes like America Singer here in the cover expecting to look the same but alas i failed miserably. 

I also love the colour scheme for the series. In the first book, The Selection, the main colour blue. In the second book, The Elite, the main colour is red. And the conclusion, The One, the main is the beautiful colour of white. It's like the american flag and the main character is named America! Again, good job, publishing companies.

White and Blue is my favourite colour. I said this i think in the Too Much Information tag. So if you want to know more about me, you can see it right here, THE TMI TAG!

And the titles is very good too. First, The Selection, minus 'the' it's nine words. Second, The Elite, five words. And lastly, The One, three words. Small, but i definitely liked the title better than the rest.

Oh god, this book didn't let me down, of course. Before starting, i was scared of what will happen because anything can happen. Kiera Cass can just puts alien in it or just mind-control people. Or suddenly The Selection girls become the new x-men but instead called themselves the x-ladies. Anything can happen. Even suddenly One Direction can appear that can happen too.

I don't need to say my overall thoughts because you probably already get it. The books of the series looks beautifully on my bookshelf and i'm grateful i have it. I'm going to get the worse reading slump and book hungover after this ughhhhh.

I need The Queen (Novella in Queen Amberly's point of view.) now. But so sad it's an Enovella and i don't have a kindle and i can't buy books through technology because i have to use a credit card and i don't have a credit card yet. So i guess i'll be buying the Audiobook and hopefully i can get it free. And the cover for The Queen is also amazing. Green, jade green!

Let's line up the books in The Selection world. The Queen, The Selection, The Prince, The Guard, The Elite, and THE ONEEEE. The color is Green, blue, purple, yellow, red, and WHITEEEE.

Only 1 girl can win Da crown. 

Now, i'm gonna talk about the spoiler part of the review so if you haven't read The Selection and The Elite and The One, you have to leave. Trust me, you don't want to be spoiled because it's a very good book. Okay? Leave. 

I told you to leave if you haven't read all the books so leave before i kicked you out, seriously i mean it.

Okay, so now let's discuss. Even at the first start i was laughing up. When America just like gets all sexy and stuff i was cracking! But the one that made me really laugh was when Maxon laugh at America, good stuff. And when America slipped out she has seen Maxon without his shirt off before? You outdone yourself, America.

America is a bit less frustrating in here than The Elite, of course. Because she was accepting hr love for Maxon and it makes me happy. I want them to be together, they're my most favourite OTP and also the most frustrating. 

When the book is released i kinda got half-spoiled because everyone i knew loved it. Some girl on YouTube was like "I Love this book! I love, America! I Love, Maxon!" And do you get the point of what she's saying? She loved them so they have to be together. When she said that, it's already clear that they got their happy ending.

I wanna talk about the end parts but i have to talk about the first parts so GO! Let's talk about the other Elites starting with Elise. I was dissapointed when Natalie left. I liked her more than Elise and i know she's worthless (I'm so mean.) and when she said she's worthless, i was nodding the whole time and saying "You got that right, girl." and when she finally been kicked out YES!

Celeste. Oh god, i love Celeste. From a devil to an angel. Literally an angel. I can't believe she died right after when she revealed her true self to all the girls. How can Kiera Cass do that? She's so tricky, making our hate to love and crushed it. And when America missed her at her wedding i was like me too, child, me too. And why why why. It's just like one second everything happen so fast that i ahev to reread the line that Celeste is been shot. WHYYYY

Kriss. My anger for her is melting away, i think. I still don't like her but she has done good things to America so i think i forgive her. When at the wedding, i was like yes, yes, yes, yes because she was said and how mean am i. She doesn't deserve Maxon and she enters The Selection because of teh northern rebels. But that's what u get for messing with my OTP.

And there's so much northern rebels are there? Like Gavril, who knew? Well, Kiera Cass knew but you get the point. And i'm so happy when my thoughts on his father as a rebel is right! Go read my The Elite review if you want to know about what i thought about America's father. And so sad he just died. Poor America, her father is the one who supports her best.

Like, in The Selection and The Elite, she didn't make anyone that we cared die. And then when The One came, it's like a death-fest so many characters are dead when we are already attached to the characters. I'm already attached myself so seeing them was like oh no.

Anne died. That broke me too because Anne has helped her since the beginning. And when America got shot she helped her and i was very shocked to hear her dead. She's the head-maid and she loves Aspen but she cannot because she is dead. And Lucy gets Aspen. Personally, Mary dying would be a bit better because i'm not so attached to Mary.

And why is Lucy suddenly retired? She doesn't like America do she? You want and expect her to be the princess but after that you just left? Hey girl, Aspen you're lover is still a guard so if you retire, that means you can't see him very often because he is in the palace. I liked Lucy the most and i don't want her out of America's life. But maybe she'll be a babysitter for America's and/or Aspen's family?

Aspen didn't die which i hoped for he was. But i think i kinda like him a bit now, because he cared for her and also he didn't fight that America wants to be with Maxon. I never thought i'd say that but i just did!

We didn't get to see much of Carter which i'm very interested at, though. But of course he is in the stables so maybe that explain that. But we did get to see Marlee! YAY! and how cool her name is changed to Mallory? So cool. And Marlee get to be America's bridesmaid, awwwww! I almost forget that she was still here, though.

And where's that girl from the out of city? Oh i even can't remember her name. But we didn't see much of her because she just work at the kitchen? Maybe she'll become her new maid. But so poor of her when she's in the streets. I was so sad to hear her story. 

Let's talk about Georgia and August. I might have a new OTP. And i love, love Georgia! She's so kind and helpful and so sweet to August. And when she's invited to tea i was so happy for her. Luckily she didn't die because i might have break if that happen. And August. SHOCKER. He's the great-great-great- oh whatever. I didn't expect to have him, but if he wants the crown that would cost more drama there and probably more books. Lol. And that Micah. Why did he die? We didn't know him very much. Poor of him. Darn it you Southern Rebels!

Nicoletta. I knew America was going to call her because she had too come, didn't she? When the tea party was announced i knew Nicoletta was going to be in it and i was shocked to see her with Georgia. And when the king blame America, goodness top it for a second and actually he eventually wants America in the selection.

And Silvia. Suddenly she gets mad at America. Geez. I would like America to be friends with her but it didn't have any sort of rebuilidng in this book. Because she looks so happy when America wants private lessons. And when the convicting? i think she's mad. And boy the king is mad. But why did America gave up her necklace and his present from Maxon. You should be grateful, but i can understand her why did she do that.

My favourite scene is going to be when they, America and Maxon, are on the roof when its raining. It was so good and so romantic. When they danced and talked and confessed it was so cute. But then Jerk-face Clarkson just ruined their moment and i was so mad at him. Dancing on the rain is so spectacular. Kriss should have seen that, god i'm so evil.

Speaking of The king, let's talk about it. I was super shocked to her Queen Amberly died, i mean she's so selfless and kind and so loveable. But the king on the other hand. She's so- whyyyyy. To protect teh king she sacrifies herself. But the king's death should have more justice into it. Like, because the queen died, he should've kill himself? Because if he eventually die, the queen's sacrifice would be useless. And i don't want it to be useless.

And let's talk about the ending. I was so, so, so happy when he proposed to her. I was screaming and jumping and then America got caught with Aspen. Damn you, Aspen. And then Maxon just turned into his father, i was so scared of him suddenly. He turns evil and i was soooooooo mad at him when America wants to forgive herself. What are you thinking? He just become cold as ice. I never thougth i could hate him so much.

Poor America, i can feel her when i was reading that. And when Maxon got shot, i was half-sad and half-happy because of what he did to America? But he did protect her, though... And America no matters what happen still cared for him. YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF YOURSELF MAXON! 

But what really important is that he forgive her and they got married. YAYAYAYAY! I was almost crying when he proposed and said sorry to her. I was this close to crying. Oh wait you can't really see arm but it's small. And when the wedding took hold and i was a mass of happiness.

That's all for today and wow i'm pretty suprised. I thought i was going to make this review next week but it turns out because of its amazingness and awesomeness i'm making this right now. 



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